Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Back on Track

Alright, after a brief hiatus, I am back and ready to give you what you want- my dating life in print! Lets start from the beginning...

I dated what seemed like a great guy for over three years, one of those years waiting patiently for him overseas at war. During that time I realized what a controlling, covertly manipulative and angry individual he was (before the war), and it only got worse. We stayed together after his return for about six months, enjoying a fabulous European Cruise, good times with friends, and just catching up. But we both realized that we no longer fit well together, mostly because I could no longer tolerate his manipulation, nor could I continue attempting to change the person I was to suit him to no avail. It was killing me trying to give him what he wanted, and it was never enough to say I was sorry for any little thing that upset him. Among the multitude of reasons why I could no longer be with him, I hated that I let someone change me. I can happily say it was the best decision I ever made. And I have learned so much about what I'm willing to compromise, tolerate, and mostly importantly, what I want and expect out of a relationship.

After any major relationship breakup (this is number 2, first was my first high school love/bad boy, I was crushed, but better for it!), I join a dating website. This time I joined Harm, and needless to say the expense and quality of people on there was disastrous. Now this is by no means a rant on the site, but I don't think it was right for me. I'm young and looking for a steady relationship, I'm not ready to pick out curtains and kids names! I felt most of the men I met were desperate and looking for the end result too soon. I had high hopes that others that could afford the site were similar to me- tired of the bar scene, looking for something real yet not too serious. Was I ever wrong! The first man I went on a date with seemed good- decent profile photos, good job, decent email conversation, though slightly older than I like. In person, lets just say I wish I would have had a friend to call with 'something bad happened/pet died/insert lame excuse here'. My unlisted rules to first impressions with me are 1-must shake hands like I'm the President or your prospective boss, not your dying grandmother, 2-absolutely, under no circumstances, do you hug me-- we've never met! NO bubble invading, and 3-(dinner) no ordering before me unless I say its ok. Call me old fashioned. He failed them all. He ignored my invitation for a handshake and went straight for the awkward hug! He had gap teeth (sorry, but I went through hell in braces to get an amazing smile, I would like my partner to have a decent smile to match!! Shallow? Nope, just proud). After ordering himself when the waitress was looking at me, he then spent the next exhausting and teeth-pulling hour talking about himself..."I'm pretty amazing, I have a great job, I make a lot of money, I have a fabulous car..." pretty much just having a date with himself. He had the nerve to ask for a second date. Mr. Cocky.

The second online guy also seemed decent. Owned his own place, great job, and more my age, adorable dog, and great email and phone banter. Upon in tal meeting I did the awkward hug thing (ahh, I know! I was actually excited about this date, let it go!) and the conversation started off a little strange. But after warming up, and a great dinner at Coastal Flats (thanks, M!), we closed the restaurant. He seemed a little too sarcastic for my taste, as in it was hard for a dry-sarcastic person like me to even catch up or tell if he was serious! I chalked it up to being nervous. He then walked me to my car and gave me a CD he burned with some mutually favorite rock songs! A little weird with someone I have only known a few weeks, but still cute. Nice hug goodbye with intentions for a second movie date. But no calls, no emails, nothing. Mr. Sarcastic.

The third guy I met was exactly my type- my age, great job, military (I have a thing for uniforms!), and muscular with sense of humor and sarcasm (and bald, but hot!). We decided our first meeting would be at our apartments housewarming party. It was a blast! We had instant chemistry and I was really excited! So much so with a little liquid courage we had heavy make out sessions for hours, and he ended up staying the night! No No, nothing happened you pervs. But a few awkward texts later we agreed it was a little too much too fast. He made me feel like that slutty girl who gives it up o the first date. I hate those men! My mom lovingly added "Don't rub the bloom off the rose". You went just as far as I did, you're just as guilty, why do I get the label? Jerk. Mr. Jerk.

That's it for now, but trust me this is just a taste of my dating disasters!