Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bad Boys Bad Boys

Seems the area has been overtaken by the presence of LEOs- Law enforcement officers. To this day I meet the same three types of men; Military, Contractor, LEO. Makes sense as I live so close to DC, where many federal government offices need LEOs to protect their valuable employees. My agency included. As such, many of the men I have met on and offline have been cops. Even the ex was a mix of both cop and military! After the millionth boy I met listed cop as their job title, I decided it must be written on my forehead; military and law enforcement please apply. But since I cant generalize the entire population of military as angry meat heads, and all cops jerks, I must give everyone a chance.

The first was a job cop, T Needy, I met at an overtime weekend work function. He recently had moved to the area and wanted to meet new people and see what there was to do. He wasn't typically my type; a little scrawny, my age (I typically go for somewhat older men), but nonetheless fun and had a cute smile. We hung out a couple of times with our friends, and even made minor plans to go on the silly-looking segways to tour dc! Unknown to me, he had taken a particular Sunday off to do this event, and asked the night before if I wanted to hang out. I wasn't in a particular good people-mood, so I said I was staying in. The next day I didn't hear from him at all, but the following day at work I got a call on my office phone from him. He inquired about the plans for segwaying, (of which we never finalized), and seemed extremely miffed he took a day off work to hang out but I bailed. I retorted that he never called to see if I still wanted to go and mentioned the non-finalized segway plans. He then continues the already tense conversation by asking where this relationship was going, and if I was just playing with him. Please note, we had met only three weeks prior. He called my office phone to ask me this.

On a Monday.
At 10:30am.
I asked him- really? You called my office phone to ask this? I told him that I was at work and would call him later. He sent a text to my cell apologizing, but he had a weird feeling and wanted to know the deal. Seriously, I cant handle needy- especially after three weeks!

The next guy, MP Dubb, I met was from online- DEA agent. We had great text, email, and phone conversation. But when the time came to meet in person (a lunch in DC), he had some less-than-attractive mannerisms that reminded me of a former coworker that had some eccentric gay man tendencies*. Plus no chemistry. So that ended before it started, and I learned that no matter the awesome conversation, and no matter how much you have in common, without chemistry there can be no successful relationship.

One weekend while feeling the need to get out there and shake my booty, I texted everyone in my address book to see who may be interested in doing the same. One guy responded-the best friend/roommate of T Needy. As we had hung out before, and knew we had fun, I thought it would be a great night out. We ended up dancing the night away, getting a little more tipsy than normal, and back at my place. Needless to say the night ended with a bang! The next day I felt both excited and guilty for doing the roommate switcheroo. But I figured what happened happened, and I don't like to regret what felt like a good thing at the time. Plus, I have the requisite one night stand in my book.

*No offense to the gay population. I heart you guys :-)

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